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Read bellow DoTerra essential oils for sore throat and for home and travel.
Thank you to DoTerra for providing this kit. Although the product was given by this company, all opinions are mine.

We do not use medicines in our household because I try to reduce use of chemicals, instead we use essential oils to treat all kinds of minor sicknesses and beyond. Recently, I found this amazing kit called Home Essentials Kit that substitutes all our home remedies.
The Home Essentials Kit consists of 10 most popular oils and Laluz Diffuser.
Frankincense essential oil uses
My favorite oil is Frankincense. It has multiple benefits. It heals on cells level. My cousin had a dog with a tumor on it’s belly. They treated it with Frankincense essential oil for 2 weeks and the tumor was GONE!
In our house, we use it for cosmetics purposes. I add it to my day cream and it keeps my face skin tight and looking younger. I also take a drop if didn’t sleep in and in a few minutes the brain fog is gone, I am wide awake and ready for the day.
Peppermint essential oil uses
The next favorite is Peppermint. Oh! I wish I discovered it’s power years ago. I used to have monthly harmons related headaches and I still do but now, as soon as I feel that pressure in my temples, I rub in diluted Peppermint Oil and feel like new. It also boosts brain activity so in addition to no headache, I have a clear mind.
Essential oils have zero addictives so they are safe to use daily and with kids, just follow propper dilution ratios.
Another Oil that is included in the Home Essentials Kit and blends great with Peppermint Oil is Lemon. Oh! Together these awesomies will give you an uplifting mood. I am diagnosed with seasonal depression and once winter hits, I wake up grumpy and aggravated. Now I put one drop of each oil in my diffuser and voila, i have feelings of wellbeing and good mood for the rest of the day.
Lemon essential oil uses
Lemon Oil is a powerful cleaning agent. If taken internally, it provides cleansing and digestive benefits. I use it as detox, taking one drop in a glass of water in the morning.
I also clean with Lemon Oil. Here is my recipe:
- 3/4 cups distilled water
- 2 tablespoons white vinegar
- 15 drops Lemon essential oil
- 15 drops Tea Tree essential oil
- 8 oz glass sprayer
Directions: Combine all ingredients in a glass spray bottle and shake to combine. To use, shake well and spray on the desired surface and wipe clean.
Tea Tree essential oil uses
The Tea Tree oil also included in the Home Essentials Kit. My very first time, I was introduced to the oil 8 years ago when one of my kids got a wort and doctor recommended to apply Tea Tree oil. I put one drop morning and evening, covered it with bandaid and the wort was gone! It’s a powerful antifungal agent and safe even for pets. When our fishes got sick, we go.t a medicine from a pet store and it had just one ingredient – Tea Tree (Malealuca). We treated our tank as recommended and saved the inhabitants.
Since we regularly attend swimming pools, I add 20 drops (1 ml) of this oil to my laundry when do sheets and socks to reduce risk of getting fungus. I personally do not like the way Tea Tree smells but it served so faithfully to our family that I always have it in my stock.
Lavender Essential Oil Uses
At first I didn’t like the oil. It’s flavor reminds me smell of old stuff, my grandma used it on the seasonal clothes when put them away but I learned to use it to help me to fall asleep faster. It relaxes and calms my mind so those thoughts that buzz in my head when I lay in the bed get muted.
I also make an after sun spray. Lavender oil has natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can help ease the pain and inflammation of sunburn.
Here is the recipe:
- 12 drops of Lavender oil
- 1 oz carrier oil of choice
- 1 oz glass bottle
Directions: Add ingredients to glass dropper bottle and mix together. Use as needed on skin. 2% dilution.
If you add 5 drops of Peppermint Oil the result will be even more powerful.
Oregano. DoTerra essential oils for sore throat
Oregano is the next in line. It really should be on the second or third place. It boosts your immune system and creates protective shield agains germs and viruses if taken internally. It’s very strong so dilution is a must and if applied on children, put it on the bottom of their feet. It has powerful cleaning benefits as well and effective against worms. I usually take it once a week for preventative measures.
Breath Essential Oils Blend Uses
It helps to ease congestions and opens up airways. These essential oils for sore throat and usually rub the blend on chest or put 1-3 drops in diffuser for the whole family to benefit from it.
On Guard. DoTerra essential oils for sore throat
I have it in capsules (beads) and as liquid blend. We used to get sick on every trip, all 5 of us. But now I make kids take one bead internally for the first two days of the trips and that helps fight transition and adjustment to new surroundings. It is a must at home as well. Dilute 1-2 drops at home and keep germs behind your doors.
DigestZen essential oils uses
Another savior. We are big foodies and sometimes this love brings us stomach issues. Wether food is too spicy or too good and we overeat I just rub this blend in our tummies and it soothes upset stomachs. It also is a must to have on the road trips, flights, attractions and boats. Ginger in the blend helps with motion sickness.
Deep Blue essential oil uses
I love the smell and so does my older son. He is the one who uses it on a weekly basis after practices and competitions. I apply it to sore areas and give him relaxing or lymph drainage massage and it takes stiffness and soreness away.
Just to be clear. This kit does not solve all your health issues but it does substitute all the home remedies and even some cosmetics and household cleaning supplies. I prefer to use oils to reduce toxic exposure to my children and since oils are more mild, my kids tolerate them better.
Try and experience the benefits yourself! You can get this kit here.
Or a smaller version of it without the Diffuser here.

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