What to Do in Dubai for 5 Fun Days?
The Dubai Arabian Emirates! It should be on your luxury travel bucket list!
I’ve heard a lot of exciting things about Arabian countries, now I experienced it myself and I must confess this luxury family travel went beyond my expectations so I am excited to create this luxury travel and lifestyle blog.
No words can express what an amazing city it is! If you are looking for something exotic and unique, safe, and blowing your mind, visit Dubai. Nothing can compare with personal experience. Especially when it is positive all over.
So what to do in Dubai for 5 days? Here are some ideas on this luxury travel blog.
Table of Contents
First thing, observe.
In Dubai, everything is made to impress. Everything you see has a unique story or history behind it. Listen to this one.
Dubai is built in a desert with no freshwater around, and no trees. To create a tourist attractive surrounding they had to plant trees but not all the trees the same, only Australian heat-resistant palms could survive the desert climate. So? They imported every single palm tree! And it’s not it. Now how do you water trees with a lack of water? You got to be wise, you can’t just pour it on the ground, water will evaporate and get wasted. Guess what they did? They attached a hose to every tree and water it round-o’clock with the drop method. Isn’t it cool?
If they take so much care for a tree, can you imagine how much they care for people? Especially, tourists?
Dubai was created specifically for luxury travel, and the amount of money they poured into its development was royally generous. Everything is prospering and flourishing here.
There are a few places we visited during our 5-day trip and they were unforgettable. Are you ready for your mind to be blown?
What else to do in Dubai for 5 days?
Second thing, experience.
Dubai Water Park. Wild Wadi.

If you on your luxury family travel to Dubai, this place is a must-visit. We stayed here the whole day and there still was much to do. Plan at least 2 days to take full advantage and to try everything without killing yourselves.
My favorite one is Master Blaster. It’s a lengthy water ride where you go up and down, swirl and twirl on a water balloon. It’s just enough to give you some adrenaline, but not to feel beat up and dizzy. Just perfect!
If you are more on the extreme side, try Jumeira Sceirah. This slide is like a skyscraper height, it has an open top and you lay down on your back to go down. It’s so steep you feel like falling and then it gradually gets you to a horizontal position and you finish it at top speed and a tremendous splash of water… It makes my palms sweat every time I think about it. Beware of your bikinis. The top might fly off and the bottom might just get ripped off.
We also enjoyed Surfing attraction. With wipeout and riptide, we got a full experience of surfing. Super fun!
After so much splashing and rides, we got tired and wanted to do something relaxing. They had that covered too. Juha’s Journey took us for a peaceful 360 meters river journey. Nice! That one was so calming I thought I could easily fall asleep, but we got hungry.
The food at Wild Wadi
There are several places to eat. To my surprise, they were serving mostly American type of food such as pizzas, hotdogs, hamburgers, French fries, and chicken nuggets. Everything we tried was fresh and yummy. Can’t really recommend anything, just get what you are in a mood for. I promise it will be good:). You can’t bring your own food, but it’s ok to bring a bottle of water.
In a heated place like Dubai, where the summer day temperature might reach a boiling point, businesses close for siesta between 2 to 5 pm. Park doesn’t, but it is wise to go back to the hotel or an indoor place unless you are that tough and are willing to tolerate tremendous heat, bright sun and a dominant desire to sleep.
What to do in Dubai for 5 days?
Third, eat!
Emirati Food
Living next to the ocean makes it predictable that national cuisine consists mainly of seafood. The main side dish is rice, but for tourists, restaurants are serving a variety of dishes out of lamb, beef, and chicken. Fruits, veggies, and pasta are also always on the menus.
Since we had tours almost every day, most of our meals were included in the trips, but there is one restaurant that I like called Golden Fork. It’s a seafood restaurant.
Prices are reasonable, portions are generous and the food is delicious! My favorite menu item was a cream soup. Oh, my gosh! Just try! Delicious! Seafood soup is also worthy of attention.
Our tour guide recommended this restaurant and honestly, we didn’t want to try anything else. I think we had all our meals there.
On the first day, we got an appetizer, soup, and entrée for each of us. Oh. That was a mistake! We couldn’t get to the entrée. Appetizers filled us up and then we had one scoop of soup, which was amazing, and one bit of an entrée. But that’s how you learn. Right? Next time we were smarter.
The overall experience of the trip to Dubai is definitely 10 out of 10. If you are looking for luxury family travel with exotic adventures, this is the place you should go to. It’s clean, safe, the experience will be unique, unforgettable, and endless, and you can go as luxurious as you can imagine.
Just FYI Dubai built the first “Seven-star” hotel in the world and it is still there (that sail on the first picture is the hotel). Service in Dubai is at the highest level. Dubai constantly develops and adds new attractions and sightseeing.
I will definitely go back to put one more luxury travel on my lifestyle blog.
Have you ever been to Dubai? Please share what would you do for 5 days there?
Fourth thing, shop.
Gold souk, Dubai.

Souk means “a market”. Can you imagine a gigantic market filled with gold? Well, there is one in Dubai. If you are a jewelry person, stop by and get yourself a little gift.
Lots of designs, sizes, and items from simple rings and bracelets to dresses, all made of gold! Even if you are not a gold lover, include this place in your luxury travel bucket list and just visit and see how much yellow metal could be possibly collected in one place. It will blow your mind and blind your eyes.
What to do in Dubai for 5 days?
Fifth thing, swim.
Jumeirah Beach.

One of my favorite parts of the vacation was definitely the Ocean. I love water, but nothing will compare with the warm ocean water of Jumeirah Beach. Its temperature is more like a hot tub, which is my favorite.
You walk in, and it relaxes all your muscles and mind. I could spend here the whole day just standing, or laying on the back… And that’s exactly what locals do. They get into water up to their necks and just stand there and talk.
Coral atoll

The next day we went to coral atoll Oh! What a place! Beautiful and quiet. Another location for luxury travel.
Paradise! Not crowded compared to other beaches. The shore is clean and beautiful. You can scuba dive or snorkel, or both.
When we tried snorkeling, it opened the underwater world for me in a novel way. I swam with a mask before, but snorkeling at atoll is a bright and unforgettable experience.
I’ve seen corals before on a TV and aquariums but nothing compares with an Island size atoll inhabited with thousands of bright-colored corals, with dark green, lemon yellow, deep blue fishes, sea hedgehogs, and starfishes all lighted up with the sunlight.
It is nature in its genuine beauty. You can reach and touch fishes (if they let you:)), watch them hunting and eating, playing, hiding, and it’s right in front of your eyes. You are part of it. It’s all around you! Mesmerizing, breathtaking, and entertaining!
When I visit places like this, I feel so thankful to have a travel and lifestyle blog so I can share this treasure with you.
So, what to do in Dubai for 5 days?
Sixth thing, go for an adventure!
Desert Safari, Dubai

Oh, that one is special!
Just imagine 30-40 white Range Rover Jeeps surfing a desert, flying over the dunes at sunset.
It felt great and exciting! They sat us by four and you got to hold on tight because it shakes you pretty well. By the end of the safari, I got an upset stomach so my recommendation if you get motion sick easily, take some Dramamine beforehand to enjoy the tour in its fullness.
Other than that minor hiccup, the tour was beautiful and exciting.

Sunset. Safari is over, but not the fun. We stopped by at a tent camp where we got an amazing shish kebab with grilled vegetables and rice. Yum! Just what I needed to calm down my upset stomach:). While we were waiting for supper, they offered us henna tattoos.
After supper, entertainment!
It was a belly dance. To my surprise, the dancer was not young or slim, but wow! How she danced! Everybody was silent. We were watching with our eyes open, embracing every movement. She was light and flexible and tireless. It seemed like she could dance for hours.
I got esthetic pleasure and was impressed with her professionalism and the beauty of the dance. It made me want to dance like that.
What to do in Dubai for 5 days?
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